Sunday, January 13, 2008

5 Steps to Prevent an Impotent or Dysfunctional Penis by Serj Sagan

The "wonderful" world of male and female interaction revolves around the subject of sex and your ability to perform those sexual functions has become significantly important, perhaps more important than ever before. The interesting thing about sexual performance is that it diregards age, race, or even gender. You could be 60 years old and be as concerned about the ability to perform well sexually as an 18 year old. Thus it becomes a concern that many in the business to make money exploit this issue to make an extra buck for themselves.So rather than going for the Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, or any of the other pharmaceutical, over-advertized, potentially hazardous, expensive and embarrassing male enhancement products available on the market, it is important to explore all of your options. There are 5 primary reasons that cause impotence and we will discuss them and how they hinder your sexual function and what you can do to avoid them.
First are negative emotions, primarily worry, fear, stress, anger, and depression. An abundant amount of research indicates that your feelings and emotions have physical manifestations that can be traced with chemicals released by your body into our blood stream. These same chemicals hinder all of your body functions from your sleeping habits to how energetic you feel. You will find or may already have found that these emotions and chemicals have an immense impact on your sexual performance as well. Rather than using other drugs that may cause impotence, the only real way to deal with worry, stress and fear is to truly and fully realize that all three of these emotions accomplish nothing; or at least nothing positive. If you are stressing out about being late for work, does the actual stress help you in any way whatsoever to get to work on time? How about fearing that your loved one may not make it through a disease? Is that worry going to help your loved one get better in any way? The answer is obviously NO. So then why do you let yourself feel those emotions? Simple, because you let yourself dwell on the negative of a situation, so start thinking the positive of a situation, and those emotions will automatically transfer to whatever it is that you think. Instead of worrying about your loved one being sick, start being happy that they will get better. Instead of stressing about how badly you may perform in the bedroom, get excited about how amazing the sex will be tonight; yes even if you have always performed poorly, change your thoughts to how amazing you are in bed. Anger, primarily suppressed anger and depression, are most similar to a slow working poison. There are several scientific sources claiming that anger and depression cause a chemical imbalance that causes restricted capillaries, which means less blood flow to the penis, softer erections, and not being as readily available. The biggest concern is that this lack of sexual function causes even more pent-up anger and depression, thus it becomes a vicious cycle, creating even more impotence. Treating anger and depression is a difficult issue as there are more than a few methods for "treating" them. Everything from drugs, which cause even more problems and only reduce the symptoms and not the anger or depression themselves; to self affirming statements; to the annoying and rarely working "I am angry because you did..." or "I feel depressed because..."; and even more methods that claim to treat these two issues. It seems that the "A.N.G.E.R Workout", found by searching that phrase in Google, is a logical way to deal with anger and depression, but the only known method that claims to cure them is in the Bible.
Second is the lack of interest in sex, or in the sexual partner. One of the biggest challenges in today's world is that it has much too many distractions, it seems like you are always busy; from work and driving and shopping to television and video games and Internet, and the list goes on. By the end of your day it is quite often that you are exhausted, and much too often even when you know you should be sleeping you still wait up until the show is over, or until you finish this level, or participate in any of the other distractions in your life. Along comes a day when a few sparks happen and you make love to your significant other. These sexual interactions may happen maybe twice a week, if you're lucky. What happens then is similar to what happens when you stop using your muscles, you get out of shape, maybe get overweight, and your muscles start to atrophy. This also happens with your sexual functions, your sexual desires atrophy when you don't use it. Interestingly enough, the more time you spend doing something you enjoy, the more enjoyable it gets. So instead of 1 or 2 a week change it to a minimum of once per day and maybe even sneak in a morning quickie once in a while. Your sexual desire and arousal will automatically start to increase as well. Desire in your sexual partner can be a huge issue. The biggest cause of this is that you start to share important parts of your life with another person, someone at work, church, gym, etc. This is the worst possible detractor of your current intimate relationship because it usually seems so innocent, but in too many cases it grows out of control. Most causes of cheating start with an innocent relationship; just friends having lunch. If you are in a relationship where you question just a little bit whether you are crossing the line, in almost all cases it means that you are. The second cause for you to lose desire in your partner is that your habits start to take over too much of your time detracting from your current relationship. This can be anything from video games, to television, to surfing the web. It can be even potentially positive things such as too much time spent on making money, physical activities such as skiing, rock climbing, jogging, and even working out, if they are done without your significant other being a part of them. If this is your case then you will need to initially spend significantly more time with your partner. Dr. Stephen Covey, in his "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" compares it to a bank account. When you don't make "deposits" of compliments, flowers, chocolates, meaningful conversations, etc. then your loved one's emotional accounts become "overdrawn" especially if this is compounded with "withdrawals" such as unkind comments, lies, anger, etc. If your partner's emotional account becomes "overdrawn" you will need to make many and consistent deposits to restore that emotional account to the positive, then once it's in the positive you don't just stop. You will need to maintain it by continually making those deposits. The bottom line is once you start to make those "deposits" into your loved one, they automatically return the favor. This will cause your desire for each other to increase, sexual and otherwise.Third are medical issues such as testosterone level, medication side-effects, and blood flow. The above issues need little space to address, but are still worth mentioning. A defining male hormone is testosterone and when this hormone level drops, many of your "manly" functions, including sexual function, drop as well, a simple hormone therapy is usually enough to fix this problem. There are also natural alternative methods that claim to restore your body's natural production of testosterone.Side-effects from medications for things like heart problems, epilepsy, depression, and other are much too common. Most of you have heard the common jokes about how most medications cause more negative things than they do positive. For every one thing the medication fixes it causes ten more side effects. Unfortunately medications for high blood pressure, depression, epilepsy and several other medical conditions have been scientifically proven to increase the likely hood and the severity of impotence. The best thing you can do is to let your personal physician know that you have a concern for impotence and find out if there are other medications that can be prescribed to treat the condition, but not to impact sexual function. Also it is usually best to get a second opinion when diagnosed with any condition, also there are a myriad of natural alternatives that are used for these conditions, but that doctors don't usually recommend. So take the time to research what it is you are taking and if there are other, perhaps less harsh, methods for treating your condition. A reduction in blood flow to the penis is also a major concern. This is common in those who have hardening of the arteries, also those with high cholesterol, and those who are obese. It is quite obvious how these can increase the severity and likely hood of impotence. One thing to mention is that these conditions occur after a lifetime of bad health habits, therefore it is unlikely that one can be cured of them, however there is quite often more than one way to treat these conditions so research thoroughly and make sure your personal physician is aware that you are trying to avoid impotence without having to resort to drugs, and that he lets you know about what options you have.
Fourth is nerve damage; illnesses, and some medical procedures. An injury to the groin or nerve damage whether from injury or disease, again, is one of the more obvious reasons for sexual dysfunction. As most men can obviously tell there is much nerve tissue in the penis, everything from the actual functioning of the erection, to stimulation and several other functions. This is a very serious issue because to date there is little treatment that has proven to work. There are several alternative methods including some therapeutic exercises, acupuncture, and even some herbal formulations that claim to help, yet there is little evidence that it actually works. Seek your personal physician's help making sure he or she is aware of your concern for impotence. Some new prescription drugs are coming out that claim to reverse nervous system damage, however they are so new, little is known as to how likely they are to work and what its side-effects are. A doctor, Aaron Vinik, M.D., out of the Strelitz Diabetes Institutes of Eastern Virginia is currently using some of these new drugs on his patients and is claiming positive results so far. Illnesses such as diabetes, kidney or heart disease, can cause erectile dysfunction. Although diabetes, other than the reduced blood flow, is least likely to actually directly impact impotence, it is more likely to the nerve damaging properties of diabetes that would cause sexual dysfunction, as discussed above. Kidney illnesses contribute to impotence due to the fact that your kidneys control blood flow and which hormones are in the blood stream. Improper function of your kidneys is very likely to contribute to sexual dysfunction. Heart issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack, or strokes too often cause serious complications with several of your body's natural processes, one such complication is impotence. In fact many medical centers use erectile dysfunction as the biggest symptom to indicate heart problems. The technical analysis of the correlation between impotence and heart problems is to examine abnormality in the pro-erectile nitric oxide production system in the penis with oxidative stress. This simply means that your blood is unable to supply the proper sexual systems with enough oxygen to allow them to function properly. There has yet to be a proven product that fully eradicates all heart illnesses, however there are some that show a lot of promise. Although we tend to favor natural methods for treating most illnesses we are impressed with the success of the cholesterol removing vein surgery, which is somewhat risky but seems to work very well to remove your biggest clogs. We also tend to prefer preventative measures. There are alternative methods that we recommend most. First is to avoid meat fats as much as possible. Second start a daily regimen of olive oil and lemon juice. Third a daily vitamin consumption of the following vitamins: Omega-3 supplement high in essential fatty acids EPA and DHA, magnesium sulfate, l-arginine, niacin in form of inositol hexaniacinate, folic acid, coenzyme Q10, vitamin B6 and B12, and vitamin E with mixed tocopherols. Fourth is a daily exercise program consisting minimally of a thirty minute brisk walk or jog. The key here is the thirty minutes. A somewhat unknown fact by most, but used by most exercise experts, is at twenty minutes of continuous cardio exercise that you finally start to really burn fat and causes your body to start rebuilding your capillary and vein tissue. So the time window between twenty and thirty minutes of continuous cardio is the key. A possible side-effect of some medical procedures, including prostate or urinary tract surgery is another common cause of erectile dysfunction. We do not dwell too deep here, it does warrant a quick mention however. The one thing that we recommend is that you find out all you can about your options before you undertake any harsh procedure around your genital area.
Fifth is drug abuse.......
Due to the size limits of this article distribution company, the rest of the article can be found here:
About the Author
Serj Sagan is the CEO and owner of the male enhancement company that is dedicated to find the real truth about male enhancement products and its manufacturers and expose that truth to the consumer. Copyright 2008 Serj Sagan of Male Enhancement Research. This article may be freely distributed as long as this resource box stays attached.

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